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Friday, December 26, 2008

How to Shop for Sunglasses

When choosing the sunglasses that best fit you, three factors should be considered. First and foremost, sunglasses are used to protect your eyes. A pair of sunglasses that offer no protection can actually be more harm than good. Secondly, your sunglasses should feel comfortable. Finally, you want to look good in your shades, so pick a pair with some consideration of style.

Sunglasses can be made of many different varieties of materials. These materials also carry with them different levels of protection. As you sift through the masses, remember that protection is the reason you are wearing sunglasses. Find out about the level of UV ray protection they offer and avoid those that cannot provide 99-100% protection from UVA and UVB radiation.

Dark sunglasses do less for your eyes than you think. A darker tint makes it more comfortable for you to see in the bright sun. However, if those dark glasses fail in offering the protection you need from harmful rays, they may be causing more harm than good. Dark shaded sunglasses make it easier for you to open your eyes, allowing UVA and UVB rays greater access to your eyes to cause more damage. If forced to choose, you are better off with a pair of sunglasses with UVA protection and a light gray tint than in dark lenses with no UVA protection.

There are also additional measures you can take with your sunglasses to help protect your baby blues (Or your greens, browns and grays. They're all equally important!) Many sunglasses have a wrap-around design that widens around the temples and appears to wrap around your head. This design blocks the sun from the sides of your face, offering greater protection than smaller framed glasses. If your precious eyesight is not enough to convince you to be choosey about your sunglasses, consider one more thing. When you squint your eyes, you are causing your forehead and sides of your face to wrinkle. No one wants crow's feat before their time.

After protection, comfort is the next most important part of picking out your eyewear. Consider the tint of the lens. For very bright settings where the sun has surfaces to reflect off of, polarized lenses may be helpful. Polarized sunglasses reduce the glare caused by the sun hitting the water, snow or other surface. Even though you may be blocking out the harmful UVA and UVB rays, you're not going to care much if you can't see anything.

When you try on sunglasses, pay attention to how they feel on your face. Does the nosepiece rest firmly on the bridge of your nose without sliding? Is the frame a good fit for your face and rests gently over your ears? This is a helpful checklist when sunglass shopping. If the sunglasses are going to cause you discomfort, you'll be more likely to take them off. If that's the case, why have them in the first place?

Although it should never be your number one consideration, fashion should be a factor in the selection of your sunglasses. It is not absolutely necessary that you wear the designs you see celebrities sporting at all times. Those shades may be easier to find than others, but they're not the only ones out there. Pick frames that flatter the shape of your face and complement your style.

A good rule of thumb is to choose a frame shape that is the opposite of your facial shape. A round face goes well with a pair of oval or square sunglasses. The worst shape for the round face is a pair of round frames. Likewise, an thinner or longer face looks great with a pair of round frame sunglasses, but not so much with a square set of frames. Oval shaped faces have their pick of shapes, they are the most versatile. "Lucky!"

Just be smart when shopping for sunglasses. Remember what you're buying them for, and pick styles that complement you. When you choose sunglasses based on these three factors your eyes will thank you. They'll be protected, stylish, happy, and you will be too.

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Face Shape and Sunglasses

Flattering appearance should be the last thing on the consumer’s mind when shopping for anything but it never works out that way. The first question when trying anything on is always, “How does this make me look?” or the frequent variation of this theme, “Does this make me look fat?”

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Well a lot of things do make us look fat. Sunglasses just like any other kind of accessory come in many different sizes, shapes and colors. Face shape is the best determinant for sunglasses frame shape choice. A very large frame will dwarf the facial features of someone with a delicate bone structure. This would look a little like a child wearing her mother’s dress and high heels: cute in it’s own way but not the fashion statement for most people.

Half or tiny frame styles will not result in an attractive complement to a larger face. The tendency is to believe that smaller frames will be less noticeable but that isn’t really the case. Any size frame will be noticed. The shape and color of the frame should be the most important consideration.

This may be just common sense but wearing anything uncomfortable will result in a noticeable scowl. Always go with comfort as the first and most important step in fashion. Face shape will affect the comfort of a good sunglass fit in some cases. Notice other people’s faces and take a good look at how their eye glasses or sunglasses enhance or detract from the most attractive features on their faces.

People with large cheeks will want a smaller frame for comfort’s sake. Larger frames will sit right on the cheek and wear a painful indentation into the flesh. Those with thinner cheeks will bear the weight of the glasses directly on the bridge of the nose. Heavy frames will feel like a lead weight by the end of the day.

Some shapes like the perfectly round frames are hard to wear for most of us. Sunglass shapes work the way that other clothing works to emphasize different parts of the body. When a feature of the face is too prominent it can be less so if balanced by the shape of sunglasses. Any small part of the face will appear smaller when the sunglass shape nearest is small too.

Small squinting eyes will appear even smaller when framed by small glasses. A too narrow face is widened a bit by a strong horizontal line. Taller glasses will lengthen the face. Irregular shaped lens areas will either draw the attention toward the center of the face or away. Some shapes will draw attention upward in the center of the face. This is especially flattering when gravity has been unkind.

For instance, those lens shapes that are larger on the outside and angle up at the bottom will distract from a droopy jowl or double chin. Those with heavy brows will want to avoid sunglass styles that are too dark or thick across the top since this will give a sort of double brow affect.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Comparison Between Replica And Branded Sunglasses

Making the scene at the exclusive summer community with multimillion dollar beach cottages presents an obvious choice--buy the best designer and latest style. But when spending the summer slumming it at a relative’s fishing shack the choice is most certainly going to be one of economy. Not cheap necessarily (since glare control is preferred for water sports) but rather the best buy for the purpose. For those of us who don’t have the luxury of time to spend at either, the third option--driving sunglasses-- is imperative.

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What advantages, if any, are there to those expensive designer or heavily advertised brands? At first glance it seems foolish to spend many times more than necessary for something that is frequently lost or falls in to the lake somewhere. On closer examination of the materials, workmanship and even optics it becomes more evident why the costly sunglasses are selling at all. With so many other things vying for the consumer’s hard earned money, these just seem like another expense.

Not so though: clear vision is worth every penny invested. All too often it is the case that the patient isn’t even aware of gradually eroding vision until the damage is done. In the case of sunglasses the damage to be avoided is cataracts. These are a direct result of over exposure to UV rays over a long period of time. No one is even able to notice it happening until the eyesight is hopelessly clouded and surgery is needed to restore clear vision.

Most sunglasses will go part of the way toward prevention but only the very good brands are top notch at this. Wear any kind of sunglasses for the short run but as soon as the budget allows a greater expense--then buy the better sunglasses. After the investment is made in the most expensive sunglasses then guard them as any other high end investment purchase. Use a soft cloth to clean them and store them in a hard case when not in use. Furthermore, use an eyeglasses chain or cord to secured them better when engaged in sports, fishing or activities.

Fashion is important to most people. No one wants to wear something that doesn’t reflect our inner selves. Still the comfort of good vision is worth sacrificing some fashion. Wear appropriately colored lenses even if they don’t match! Aviators are first to admit that blue spectrum lighting needs to be blocked by yellow or amber lenses in order to cut glare.
Fishing glasses are frequently made with a yellow color but also include polarizing which further reduces the reflection from the water’s surface.

What is obvious is the long term are subtle problems with cheaper glasses. The differences in materials and workmanship (burs, sharp edges and easily broken sunglasses) aren’t overly apparent at first. Hinges on cheap glasses may break with a sudden and embarrassing crack. This is an extreme faux pas which will always occur while someone is putting or the fish are starting to strike! Invest a little more next time.

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wholesale Sunglasses

The trick to living well is to shop well. It is a great idea to buy low-end products like designer inspired sunglasses in bulk with a variety of different types, so you can were as appropriate to a particular day or occasion. Preferred method is to buy at a great price the things that we need. Wholesale sunglasses are a way to bridge the quality gap.

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Another way to budget is to stick to buying classic styles that will be around awhile. Only the very young can wear trendy styles. This is especially true when eye wear is considered because of the length of time between replacements of the most expensive eyewear.

Massive purchasing is the way to both save money and make money. Wholesale purchasing of quality items will give the average person an opportunity to buy at extremely low prices for personal use while buying enough items for a reasonable markup. People lucky enough to lease a small shop in a high traffic area will always find themselves able to turn a moderate profit. Online auction sites, Flea markets and festivals are a prime sells opportunity for wholesale sunglasses.

Merchandise like wholesale sunglasses are an excellent line for Mom & Pop type stores that sell fishing gear or similar items. Hundreds of pairs of sunglasses can be shipped in a single box that is no effort to handle or store. Those that aren’t sold in one season may easily be set in a storage room for next season. There is virtually no reason to even clearance price this merchandise.

Buy wholesale designer inspired sunglasses and rely on closeouts for under a dollar each and make multiple sales pay off. There are as many ways to merchandise as there are styles to choose from. Nothing is more satisfying than opening a shipment of dozens of styles and types of new sunglasses. Buy them by the dozen at a price nearly as low as closeouts.

Wholesale sunglasses of many descriptions are available priced by the dozen. Some of the wholesale sunglasses sites are sold in larger lots with minimum orders. Others offer smaller orders while still other web sites offer the options of percentage discounts on larger sales. An order of a few hundred dollars will supply a camp store or bait shop all summer. Shipments are processed without delay and arrive in plenty of time for the peak season.

Boutique in the suburbs? No sweat! Wholesale sunglasses with plenty of style to spare are available to match even the prettiest sun dress. Summer’s most important accessory is a phone call or online order away from many different wholesale sunglasses sites. No need to waste valuable time pouring over wholesale catalogues. Easy to use online web sites supply quick delivery of valuable seasonal merchandise. While the competition is still waiting for delivery your wholesale sunglass assortment will be on display with online ordering.

Other merchandise often just sits on the shelves unnoticed all summer long. Not so with sunglasses! Order wholesale sunglasses and watch the sales figures climb.

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Monday, December 22, 2008

Polarized Sunglasses

High energy visible light is blocked when either brown or gray polarized sunglasses lenses are worn. The importance to most wearers of this type of lens is reducing glare which can cause not only eyestrain but can obscure vision. Polarized sunglasses for fishing for instance will actually allow the wearer to see fish in the water which may be hidden to the naked eye.

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Introduced several decades ago the use of polarization was once limited to a few brands of eyewear. Fortunately today many consumers can enjoy the benefits of this eye protection without sacrificing the style that they prefer. Most people today take for granted the availability of this excellent form of lens coating . Available in differing levels of glare reduction in prescription eyewear the amount of polarization may also differ in over-the-counter sunglasses as well.

Driving sunglasses will always be safer when the addition of polarized lens coatings are added. The areas of the country which experience several hours of bright sunlight will be obvious locations which need this lens coating. But even very cold places with lots of snow will be safer when drivers wear this anti-glare coating. Make absolutely certain to consider polarized coatings for sunglasses and goggles when engaging in outdoor sports. Those who work on construction or in road improvement sites will experience long hours of misery when glare is not combated.

Even some office workers these days work in modern office towers that allow tons of light. Even when smoke glass is used the light can require shielding and blinds are not available. Sore eyes can be avoided when even a very low percentage of polarized lens coating is applied to prescription lenses. Style isn’t sacrificed at all and there is no dark sunglasses appearance. Just a very light gray color is noticeable but work flow is greatly improved by this tiny adjustment.

After work and the drive home in traffic the consumer who has invested in dark polarized sunglasses can still enjoy watching the sunset. Bright light reflected from automotive chrome during traffic jams would other wise create painful eye strain. A work day spent squinting at the glare reflected on reflective glossy surfaces would surely create a certain amount of pain. But when appropriate levels of glare control are added to sunglasses throughout the day the evening can still be spent enjoying all the many uses of vision.

Polarized sunglasses extend our enjoyment of the day for hours. A bright summer day that starts with a glare filled sunrise commute can still leave pleasant evening hours of sports. Without polarized sunglasses bright days are a misery that requires rest in a dark room at the end of the commute home. Summer is too short to spend any part of it hiding from the sun. Take action to protect vision from all of the many dangers that threaten to take it away. The application of polarized sunglasses coatings are an important step in eye care.

Together with UV protection, polarized lenses make eyewear more health conscious.

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Chanel Sunglasses

Coco Chanel revolutionized women’s fashions in the early twentieth century. The jersey knit suit with characteristic black piping and gold buttons are icons of comfort and professional attire. When the Parisian fashion house that she founded entered the sunglass industry in 1999, twenty-eight years after her death, it produced them in conjunction with Luxottica.

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Genuine Chanel fashions bear the trademark: forward and backward overlapping letter “C’s”. Every thing about the Chanel line says urban sophistication and haute couture. Even the aviators in the Chanel Sunglasses’ line are more sophisticated and display upscale styling. It makes a fashion statement about private or corporate jet setters rather than business class flying.

Like most designer lines--Chanel is pricey. No one wants to waste money though and bargains may be found in even high end brands. Even Chanel’s top of the line 6022q range from $210 up to $605 depending on the retailer. Elegance can come at a bargain price! There is really not a better summer accessory than Channel sunglasses for the quintessential Chanel suit.

Found a knock off of those designer shades? Shh! The fashion police aren’t watching and you’ll pay even less. How much less? The internet has web sites that offer suitable replica Chanel for under $20. Most people can spot the differences but the styles are flattering anyway. Chanel Sunglasses inspire a full range of low end sun glasses. Inspired but still missing something. The genuine article will always be just a tad better.

If the trade mark features are missing then most people who are true aficionados of Chanel will notice. Better to look for clearance pricing and make one good purchase than to buy a drawer full of cheaper sunglasses. Care for them and enjoy them for several seasons. Vintage styles are marketed side by side with the latest styles so there is really no reason not to hang on to a good pair. After all they will probably come back into style later on down the road.

Although there are the heavy plastic frames with large lenses like style Chanel 6012 there are also the fragile styled wire rimmed sunglasses like style Chanel 4017. A real estate professional who drives clients around a lot might make better use of the heavy eye shielding dark plastic sunglasses. Some one who only sees a little light most of the day will appreciate the paler lenses with their fashion styling.

Chanel sunglasses offer many sizes and shapes of lenses designed to flatter any face. Oversized lenses like Chanel 6013b will work great with big hair and a sharper chin. Smaller style Chanel 6030 could look better on an oval face perhaps with longer hair. The exaggerated styles like the large tortoise shell pattern on Chanel 5096b will complement the trendy retro and vintage clothing in youthful wardrobes. Minimalist color and style in Chanel 4151 will look great with a pastel outfit. No matter which of the Chanel sunglasses are chosen they will look wonderful with a Chanel suit, shoes, scarf and handbag.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Xloop Sunglasses

It’s a British invasion, with the popularity of Xloop Sunglasses moving across the pond with their recent UK division opening. So, it’s more of an invasion of Britain. In the USA Xloop is still going strong with its line up of fashionable wholesale sunglasses. Xloop is sunglasses are hip, and windswept, the perfect look for a pair of shades.

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A fairly new company, Xloop UK limited was formed in early 2005. Its goal in the marketing world is to bring the fantastic shades and styles of Xloop to Britain and the rest of Europe. Sports glasses at their finest are what Xloop stands for and they are highly affordable ranging from as little as $15.

Xloop offers the largest selections of brand name sunglasses at wholesale prices to date. They don’t just make the glasses but they also make the sunglasses affordable. There are numerous brands of sunglasses available from the company you will be bound to recognize. Think X-loop, DG, Choppers, VG, Biohazard, Locs, and USA Bike, all name brands and high quality sunglasses that are available as wholesale sunglasses prices.

Many small businesses, internet retailers and flea marketers also buy sets of 12 to 30 pairs of sunglasses from Xloop for their own businesses. They mark up the prices slightly to offer them online or offline to the general public.

The Xloop brand glasses come with plastic frames and modern half sized lenses. It’s a look that goes equally well on the road, on vacation or while wandering through a local marketplace. Their wholesale prices mean you can get normally super expensive frames for a very affordable price. For example, a pair of Xloop sunglasses model 2056F cost as little as $7. These shades come in black plastic frames with green iridescent coatings and dark gray lenses to protect your eyes from most light conditions.

If dark isn’t your motif then you can sample one of the many other name brand sunglasses that Xloop offers as they get them in. Xloop even managed to get in a shipment of limit edition OCC Paul Jr. Chopper Sunglasses from the show, American Chopper. These silver metal frames with amber lenses would normally be hundreds of dollars, but Xloop made them available for just $24. You can tell they’re Orange County Choppers by the infamous OCC logo on the temples.

Xloop Sunglasses Company is a great way for sunglasses lovers to get their favorite brands without having to pay full price to experience the luxury. Xloop sells direct to the customer so there is no middleman to mark up the price.

An average pair of xloop sunglasses costs about $20. For that price you are getting high quality shades and wholesale sunglasses at drastically reduced prices.

The company has been extremely successful making most of their sales online through various internet retailers and ebay stores. In 2007 they sold $10,000 case lots of sunglasses to customers just like you. This recent surge in popularity is what prompted the expansion of their company across the pond to open their Xloop UK division responsible for bringing name brand fashions at affordable prices to people across Britain and Europe.

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Prada Sunglasses

Prada is pervasive. Since the popularity of Prada shoes and handbags began to snow ball a few years back the name has become one of the most high profile brands in the USA. Founded in Milan, Italy in 1913 the house originally specialized in leather goods. Since about 2002 the name Prada has become a household word in America. A novel made into a movie brought the brand name into the spotlight. Although the devil probably doesn’t really wear Prada.

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Contemporary shoppers will find Prada sunglasses stylized Butterfly frames to be a notch above other designers this season. The Prada collection features an interesting mix of organic forms and geometrics. The use of plaids and stripes is juxtaposed with the use of fluid natural elements creating an interesting statement. Plaid bags and pants with striped shirts are very retro 1970’s. The addition of Prada sunglasses with large lenses framed by butterfly shapes speaks to environmental concerns. This message is the same today as it was in that bygone era.

Prada sunglasses butterfly shields also reflect this organic design element. Worn in lavender they reflect the colors of spring flowers and summer sunsets. Another nod to nature’s nocturnal beauty comes in the form of Prada sunglasses rimless wrap style with gold star at temple. With black frames there’s no better look for an evening garden gathering.

Could it be that a return to the fluid natural and fanciful designs of the art nouveau movement are creeping back into the line? Spring/summer fashions in diaphanous fabrics with fairies and nymphs were included this season. Are these dresses the beginning of the end of 1970’s retro? Who knows. But Prada sunglasses come in delicate wire rims with soft pastel tinted lenses. The ephemeral affect of sheer Prada dresses and softening wire rim specs is ultimately feminine. Long wisps of hair cascade softly to complete the look.

Many Prada sunglasses styles retail between $245 to $385 in high-end American department stores. Perforated aviator sunglasses with gunmetal or matte black frames are a popular and lasting classic style. They fall on the higher end of the pricing spectrum but will be a part of the wardrobe for many seasons to come. These are truly investment purchases.

A more elegant look can be found in Prada sunglasses jeweled-temple shield sunglasses. These look elegant in gunmetal that is--but are truly for the rich in gold tone. Although these retail at the mid-range price point they are one of the most sophisticated styles in the line. This sunglass style screams for a visit to the nearest jewelry counter to buy an equally beautiful earrings and necklace set.

Prada sunglasses can adjust to visiting a Caribbean Island destination though. Beachwear for the elite will be perfectly complimented by Prada square sunglasses. Low end price-wise these will certainly not lack in style. The best color for a golden tan? Try Havana (tortoise) with brown lenses. Darker skinned? Why not a black frame and dark gray lenses. Any style that is chosen will look best with Prada shoes, bag and other accessories.

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Gucci Sunglasses

Fashion is just another name for Gucci. And Gucci sunglasses are just another name for summer. Since Florence, Italy’s House of Gucci was founded in 1921 many high profile public figures have worn these very recognizable styles. Leather goods with the logo “GG” (the founder’s initials) are popular with a cross generational crowd.

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Gucci luggage and purses are the mainstay of the company’s line. Red plastic frames with the interlocking logo($240) or horse bit sunglasses($325) either way there’s a great match with other items in the Gucci repertoire. Contemporary or cute these styles take the wearer for a drive uptown or to a day at an amusement park. Any mood or function--Gucci is there.

Fashion colors are to be found on many of the Gucci sunglasses styles. Pink, sand, dark mauve, blue, brown, black and gray are frequently used on these. Any Gucci handbag can be matched to a well coordinated pair of Gucci sunglasses.

Men’s styles in Gucci sunglasses tend toward the conservative. With prices ranging around $250 to $340 for many styles this designer label isn’t the most costly around. Many logos on men’s styles consist of “Gucci” written out. The logo on at least one men’s shield sunglasses is embossed on gold arms at the temple. The front of frame is Havana (tortoise shell) with brown gradient lenses.

An open-temple style($250) only bears the “G” in plastic cut out. Yet another logo type in a repeated pattern adorns other styles. Gucci men’s glasses are just enough boardroom and just enough sports car to send a very successful message.

There are many imitators in the marketplace offering knock-offs for a fraction of the cost of designer labels. Don’t be fooled. There is only a slight similarity in styling of these sunglasses. The high quality of these design houses relies of workmanship and materials. No one would confuse Gucci with a knock-off if the two were seen side-by-side. There’s an adage that you get what you pay for. This is absolutely true with brand name apparel and accessories. It doesn’t hold true for knock-offs. These are generally a little over priced.

Very low end sunglasses will have obvious flaws. Sharp edges are found on plastic frames because care isn’t taken at the factories. Lenses have distorted optics which can be dangerously impairing. Cheap copies will often have a warped rather than perfect shape. They can look crooked on the face. The hinges will always be inferior and break at precisely the wrong time. Even plastic has different grades. Low end glasses are not made of the better ones. Sunglasses don’t appear to contain many materials of any kind involved but it’s just enough to be truly irritating if these are poorly made.

Take a long look at Gucci or other design houses sometime to see the vital differences. A careful study will reveal numerous examples of upscale differences over low end merchandise. Another difference is that designer label sunglasses are made with a variety of sizes. The arm length and front as well as the bridge are manufactured in different measurements. But imitation is the highest form of flattery. That being said don’t skimp on quality. Buy better merchandise whenever possible. You’ll be glad that you did.

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Fendi Sunglasses

Fendi sunglasses sport one of the most unusual logos in the fashion industry. The initial “F” repeated in reversed and upside-down creates an optical illusion from a distance. The outlined Fendi sunglasses frame underneath forms a “Z” shape. If one must pay high prices for a pair of high quality sunglasses, then you might as well get a pair with this unique stamp that boldly says, Fendi!

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But Fendi sunglasses and purses aren’t going to make anyone blow “Z’s”--like the cartoon characters do when they sleep. The well dressed and trendy ‘toons will leap from the Sunday funnies straight into the society pages when he puts on Fendi sunglasses. Just as the average person can add so much more to their look with a pair of Fendis. Classic styling combine with the most colorful frames and lenses of any collection this season in the Fendi sunglasses line.

Fendi sunglasses are like love letters. These sunglasses with their in multi-colored logo and have a graphic arts appeal. Large font tumbling letters impart a sort of 1960s flare when positioned on black frames at the temple. Every sunglasses line has its signature piece and love letters is Fendi’s. Be sure to send yourself a love letter today.

The Fendi design house was founded in 1918 in Rome, Italy and specialized in fashion animal furs. They are one of the few companies to still market animal furs. The company produces a number of Fendi sunglasses styles that look elegant and sophisticated with fur or even faux fur, for those animal lovers among us. Fendi spyglass sunglasses for instance, create the luxurious image of woman, yet is still bold enough for the fashion statement of a fur coat in the summer.

Fendi clear square frame sunglasses are equally alluring with any fine Fendi suit. You’ll get plenty of UV protection without having any light blocked from your eyes. These glasses are especially great for those who find that they’ve got fabulous eyes too.

Most Fendi frames are curved to help the sunglasses better conform to the wearer’s face. However there are several pairs of Aviator style glasses that are suitable to retro fans. Fendi straps are a unique pair of sunglasses with temples designed to look like the straps on a purse or a belt. It’s quite the fashion statement. Fashionistas can pick their own favorite colors from; Brown Mirror, Pink, Gradient Gray White, Black Gunmetal and Dark Brown. It’s a look that suits both men and women who love the cutting edge of contemporary style.

The price for standing out amongst the crowd runs high with the Fendi name brand. Their glasses average about $300 each and some can run up to $450 a pair. Quality is the reward for this price with many glasses offering unique features like Swarovski crystals and unique styles like temples made from a metal grid work of Fendi symbols.

Fendi is a company known for their outstanding class and style. Everything they create, not just clothing, from sunglasses to purses is sure to be high quality.

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Chopper sunglasses

Television is notorious for spawning the development of mass marketed licensed products to the public. Every day a new television series leads to the development of all kinds of products from tee shirts to hats to sunglasses for the adoring public. A similar even happened with the popular reality television series, American Chopper.

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A series on the TLC channel, this show follows the day to day lives and work of Paul Teutul Sr. and his son, Paul Teutul Jr. also known as Junior or Paulie. They own and run a custom motorcycle workshop in Montgomery, New York known as Orange County Choppers.

The show is immensely popular and has led to the creation of their very own brand name sunglasses, among other products including a video game. These sunglasses are made by Exclusive OCC Sunglasses and sold all over through licensed dealers.

Sunglasses for the American Chopper fan are long lasting and high quality. The frames are all made of 99% aluminum and 1% magnesium to create a strong metal frame that is also lightweight. Allergies are also not a problem with this hypoallergenic combination of metals.

Since these glasses are made for big hog fans, the frames are curved to fit the face shielding it from harsh winds. Plus, double action spring hinges allow more flexibility in the temples so they fit closely to the sides of the head without being uncomfortable.

All Chopper sunglasses lens are made of shatter proof polycarbonate and provide 100% UV protection. So, even as you get older, you can still ride the road with clear and sharp vision.

Every pair of authentic Orange County Chopper Sunglasses comes with it’s own leather bound case. The temples are also embossed with the fluid Orange County Choppers logo, that OCC monogram twisted and pulled into the shape of a rocking sweet chopper.

Look for that stylized logo on the sides of model 504 Silver Frame Sunglasses ($174.95). These shades with their barely there frames and half sized burnt orange mirror lens are perfect for a day on the road. These chopper sunglasses favor Paul Jr.’s sense of style. They’re cool, fashionable and clearly California inspired.

Paul Sr.’s style is more practical and pragmatic and so is his eyewear. Check out model 765108 OCC Sunglasses ($49.95) and you’ll see the sunglasses inspired by Paul Sr. These plastic framed glasses are more affordable, yet still effective. Polycarbonate lenses with bright blue dielectric mirrors help reduce glare while on the road. They don’t cost an arm and a leg, but they still get the job done.

Chopper sunglasses are made for the American Chopper fan. They are actively worn by the main stars of the show, Paul Sr. and Paul Jr. and every pair has been approved by one or the other before being released to the public. If you are an American Chopper fan and also looking for a sweet pair of shades to wear while riding that hog, then you may find a match in a set of Chopper Sunglasses.

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Versace sunglasses

A name that says luxury and a brand that provides. Versace sunglasses are a part of the Versace Collection and other lines of the Versace Company geared towards a younger age group. An Italian company founded in Milan in 1978, Versace has since expanded into two segments of the market, one high end and the second geared towards the youth market and it includes the Versace Collection, Versace Sport, Versace Jeans Couture and Versus Brands. There are 81 free standing boutiques with these lines around the world and 123 name brand corners in department stores around the world.

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Eyeglasses by Versace are mini statements of Gianni Versace’s artistic style. Cutting edge, luxurious with bold Mediterranean influences. Many of Versace’s designs have been risqué with barely there dresses and see through tops being paraded around on the red carpet by Hollywood elite.

Versace favors sunglasses with a lighter lens, often making use of color gradation to create a lens with darker shade towards the top and lighter shading at the bottom of the lens. This is ideal for conditions when the sun is directly overhead, but also makes a unique marker for the Versace brand.

Most Versace sunglasses come with oversized lenses too. Those that feature a standard lens size curve to fit the face or are set at a jaunty inverted angle. Their half size lenses come attached to bold boxy shaped frames that set one in mind of a high paid movie director on his set or the Italian business man schmoozing in Milan.

Colors in Versace sunglasses are darker or neutral, no bright shades here. Frames are popular in blacks, browns, grays and tans. The statement making model Versace 4103 comes in a range of frame colors all in those shades. One is a daring transparent purple for the adventurous woman with light purple to blue lenses. Purple is still a dark color as is fitting with Versace’s style.

Color aside every frame from this sunglasses and fashion designer comes with a Versace symbol on the side of the temples. This consists of usually, the imprint of a Greek key, medusa or either the vertical gold or silver strip or an embossed horizontal name, Versace.

Sunglasses from Versace range in price from $150 to as much as $350 and maybe more depending on where you do you’re shopping. You may find Versace in a New York Boutique or in the name brand corner of a major department store.

Though Gianni Versace, died 1997, is no longer around his family is dedicated to running and keeping the ideal alive. The company is currently one hundred percent family owned, with all major shares being split between three members of the family.

Designs are still created for each new season by a series of teams of designers and stylists who are dedicated to a specific fashion line or label. Every team also works under the close supervision of, Donatella Versace, sister to Gianni Versace, to ensure that the fashions carry the essence of Versace.

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Valentino sunglasses

A pair of Valentino sunglasses is a must for the person planning to enjoy the summer sun. Denoting taste and style, these sunglasses are made for those with the exclusive palette of the upper class. Some things in life are always disparate, such as have and have not, but these sunglasses make it possible for anyone to get a taste of the good life.

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High quality materials go into creating distinctive designs and elegant looking lenses that look well placed on the runway or off of it. These high class, superior sunglasses created by Valentino are well known for their unique lines and bold lenses. Taking a card from Versace or perhaps lending one, this fashion creator repeatedly uses gradation on their lenses for that expensive look. Darker shades at the top of the lens and lighter shades at the bottom mean these lenses are suitable for most day to day excursions.

Those planning on spending a lot of time in the sun must select a darker shade in the form of Model Val 5507/S. These shades are solid black plastic frames with medium dark purple lenses. It’s a half size lens making these Valentino sunglasses ideal for small featured wearers and women.

Fans of a more retro look may appreciate the classic aviator styling of Model Val 1184/S. These sunglasses hearken back to the 80s and a time with Tom Cruise was Top Gun. Men can appreciate the oversized lens and simple styling. This pair of sunglasses is easily worn on a day at work or a fishing trip with the guys.

Valentino isn’t all dark colors and simple styles. Something a little more feminine can be found in the model Val 3001/S. Shades like these are all curves and smooth slopes. It’s almost a retro look with the surprisingly pinstripe look running vertically along the temples and the half sized lenses. This model is available in dark violet frames with Red gradient lenses. The oval shape to the lenses gives these a more feminine appeals along with the wide temples the narrow down to the curved ends. These make the perfect pair of shades to wear in the contemporary city or at a day on the beach. Urban, classy and casual nothing says that upper class has to be ultra fussy.

Valentino Sunglasses are crated by a fashion clothing company of the same name that was founded in 1959. Its founder Valentino Garavani retired in 2008 leaving his fashion statement in the care of Alessandra Facchinetti as Creative Director.

Sunglasses are just a small part of the creation that is Valentino. Principally a maker of cutting edge clothing. The fashion house got its start in Rome, Italy and became a revelation in 1962 when their runway debut took place. Since then they’ve grown to one of the more popular high fashion houses and is well known for its all white collection that occasionally makes reappearances.

In 1998, Garavani and his partner Giammetti sold the company for about $300 million to HdP, a large Italian conglomerate headed in part by the head of Fiat Cars.

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Nike Sunglasses

Athletics, summertime and Nike sunglasses go together like red, white and blue. There’s nothing more American in contemporary times than the ubiquitous name of Nike. A company existing in its current form since 1978 this highly acclaimed fortune 500 employer is headquartered in Oregon. Nike sunglasses styles like Pursue, Precocious, Skylon and Curfew bring fashion to the masses.

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Less expensive and far more practical than haute couture these are sunglasses made for the active lifestyle. Still made in Italy like the more upscale shades Nike sunglasses are made for those who crave action. The Nike Odeon Swift is a sports shield style that features polycarbonate polarized (or un-polarized option) lenses and comfort nylon frames. Frames available in colors matte black, mahogany red or iron. Lens tint can be exchanged. Priced a bit higher than other styles at $109-$149 these are still well worth the money.

Nike sunglasses flywheel 3PC utilizes the latest in flex metal in order to accommodate serious movement during athletic pursuits. The same safety of polycarbonate lenses is found here as in prescription eyewear but there’s no need for an eye exam. El Dorado, gun metal and steel frame tones are offered. For $143.99 these are very attractive.

Nike sunglasses Skylon exhibit the same light-weight impact resistance found in the metal frame styles but are made in differing colors and polarized options. The most noticeable design variation in this and other Nike sunglasses styles is the addition of a ventilated nose bridge. This is a very noticeably ridged wide plastic channel that prevents perspiration from collecting under frames. By allowing air to circulate behind the lenses, this feature sets Nike in a class by itself.

Skylon EXP comes with a great variety of lens tint choices. Yellow, gray, brown and orange are but a few of the possibilities here. Seriously bright light calls for one tint while lower light calls for less tint. The orange tints have a blue light blocking affect. This can help control glare and is a favorite feature used by pilots and fishermen for years. Maximum glare block is achieved with dark polarized tints.

While most of the Nike sunglasses line is aimed at a fairly utilitarian sports market, with a practical price in the less than $100 to around $200 range. There are many purely fun fashion styles however. Nike Punk Jock is decidedly taken from the era of the Blues Brothers movie. Self Central, Supreme Court and Unwind all fix the wearer in a certain purely fun milieu. These along with the many different bright colors make Nike sunglasses coordinate with bright sports clothes.

Greens, yellows, blue, orange and many shades of gray serve both practical purposes and look great at the beach or park! Life is fun and Nike sunglasses fit in with that philosophy.

Nike branded sports wear is found in nearly every place on earth. The massive quantity of merchandise is produced primarily through contracts with over 700 manufacturers world wide. Sales of products bearing the Nike logo allows the company to employ over 30,000 people.

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Bolle sunglasses

Shades for sports are the goal of Bolle sunglasses. Outdoor sports could be considered a rather risky endeavor with the strong light and potential damaging radiation from the sun, so every athlete should have a pair of dependable sport designed sunglasses.

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Bolle sunglasses has some nifty technology for their shades, going as far as creating specific lines of sunglasses for different sports like Bolle Golf and Bolle Tennis. As an athletic competitor you’ll need every little edge you can get. A good pair of modulator lens can mean the difference of an ultra important few hair widths of a second in time, which as many athletes know can mean all the world.

The lens technology from Bolle is currently specialized in four areas; modulator lenses, and performance lenses with competivision, eaglevision and polarization.

Modulating lenses are nifty glasses that everyone should have on hand. They feature Active Cell Technology that works at the molecular level to darken the lens during sunnier conditions and lighten the lens in gray or cloudy conditions for perfect protection all day long.

There are currently three colors of modulating lenses available, amber, rose and gray. Each lens is perfectly suited to different weather conditions

The performance lenses with Competivision are just perfect for the tennis match. By acting like a filter, the lenses mute all colors except for optic yellow, making that tennis ball really stand out. The Competivision lens is the official eyewear of the US Professional Tennis Association. You can purchase competivision lenses in just two colors currently; standard turquoise, or a Gun lens that features a silver flash mirror look.

Eaglevision Competivision lenses from Bolle sunglasses are more suited fro the golf course. They enhance contrast of the green colors in the color spectrum. So, it’s a lot easier to see all that green on the course and where there are breaks in it. These lenses also work to reduce glare. They come in a range of amber shades from EagleVision 2 to EagleVision 2 Gold.

The Bolle Sunglasses Polarized lenses from their Performance line work to reduce most glare and reflected light. Lens like these are ideal for driving on or for fishing where the glare in midday can be at its worst. They are lightweight durable polycarbonate. There are a wide range of lens colors for the Polarized line with unique names like; Axis, Cactus, Cobalt, Midas, Sandstone, Sandstone Gold, Sandstone Gun, TLB Dark, TNS, and TNS Gun.

The filters for the Competivision and Polarized Lenses are embedded in the lens to ensure that they don’t wear off the lens. These are some of the longest lasting filtering lens out there.

Every lens created by Bolle Sunglasses features some unique purpose, whether its night skiing or high elevation climbing in very bright conditions. They offer lightweight, shatter proof lenses, indestructible Hydralon frames and advanced sports lens technology. Bolle makes it a point to create the perfect eyewear for every situation and this niche marketing has made them a premium manufacturer since 1888.

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Dolce & Gabbana Sunglasses

Since the design house’s founding in 1985, Dolce & Gabbana has garnered the upscale youth market. Milan, Italy is known for fashion but this company has clawed its way to the top of the heap. Currently merchandised in America’s trendier shopping venues their success is a story of rags for the rich.

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Beautiful sunglasses add alluring elements to anyone’s best summer outfit. There’s more than this year’s top fashion to be sure in the design of sunglasses. This country now has sunglass manufacturing standards for the prevention of minimal levels of harmful ultraviolet rays. Other countries have similar rating methods. Standards on some eyewear about impact resistance also exist. There is not a doubt about the hours of engineering required to develop popular summer eyewear.

There’s a genuine homage to the 1950’s sunglasses in Dolce&Gabbana’s current line. Ruby red plastic frames are reminiscent of Marilyn (Monroe not Manson). Rhinestones haven’t had this much of a workout since Liberace died either. Retro has long been a trend with the youth market. The sunglasses lines of D&G as well as many other houses are following this retro trend straight into the mainstream fashion market.

When glitz is not appropriate Dolce&Gabbana sunglasses are still a sound choice. Tried and true styles like aviators and variations on those traditions will be at home at a pool side power lunch. Whether Hollywood or Silicon Valley there is a D&G style that feels right. Visiting a Jackson Pollock exhibit with friends? D&G sunglasses styles will not be outdone by contemporary art.

Eclectic and artistic, D&G clothes and accessories would outshine Dale Chihuly public glass displays. Women who want to look as if they just walked out of the pages of Vogue all know that there is no more modern look than that of D&G. Leave dowdy behind and join the ranks of trendsetters.

The look of D&G sunglasses is one that must be accompanied by the handbags of the same line. Each is a work of art. Nothing bolder exists on the fashion horizon than a crocodile handbag in outrageous colors. Truly no one who carries the bold look of this haute couture imperative should leave home without D&G sunglasses this summer.

Most of the D&G sunglasses can be found in the neighborhood of $200. There are certainly more expensive designer names than the label “DG” on sunglass frame arms. None are as unique as this popular maker. For less flamboyant beauty try style #18913. Four color combinations are available but in beige frame with brown gradient lenses (both “Dolce” and “Gabbana” spelled out in rhinestones); it is surprisingly sophisticated.

In America it is increasingly the case that a brand is obscure until it can be found on Ebay! Dozens of different D&G sunglasses styles are currently on the web auction site. This is a sure sign that D&G is now collectable as well as merely beautiful. When shopping at Rodeo Drive be prepared to pay a pretty penny for D&G. For those who are patient enough to follow an Ebay auction or impatient enough to pay the “buy it now” price--a bargain is the reward.

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DG Sunglasses

A lower priced more affordable version of the popular high class sunglasses by Dolce & Gabbana, anyone can easily fall for DG Sunglasses. Get yourself a little sun without the glare with a pair of these very affordable sunglasses in the same styles as the Dolce & Gabbana’s more expensive line of shade.

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Windswept is the choice word to describe the look implied here. These shades are lean and curved to fit closely to the face. They work to protect the eyes from more than the sun, but also the wind one can encounter while heading down the highway with the top down on their convertible or cruising on the back of their motorcycle.

Yet, despite that lean look many of the DG Sunglasses feature oversized frames. Model 8017 provides the oversized frames with grey lenses and D&G lettering on the arms. It’s available in a range of six colors including, sensible black, adventurous tiger’s eye, pure white, eye-catching red, fruity yellow and the ever true blue. These shades won’t let any weather catch you off guard.

A more youthful and fun line than the traditional Dolce and Gabbana Sunglasses, these sunglasses will appeal to the hip, kid on the street. Go urban sprawl with Model 6020. The embodiment of contemporary urban style, these shades feature an oversized lens. The square frame and large lenses is reminiscent of the old aviator style shades from the 70s and 80s. Yet, these sunglasses are grey white with light grey lenses and a strip of tiger’s eye across the temples.

If an updated classic doesn’t appeal to you, the more unique flavor of Model 6022B might hit the spot. These frames say skiing in the Alps is your favorite pastime and you don’t care who knows it. Or that you at least aspire to spend your winters in the high elevation. Their very oversized black lenses are uniquely shaped to look somewhat like the curving slopes of a ski trail. White plastic arms with stylized DG lettering on the sides complete the look for anyone wanting to feel contemporary and hot on the ski slopes or off.

D&G from Dolce and Gabbana is and entire line of products from clothing to shoes to fashion accessories that feature the same styles and colors as the main line without the added cost. Their looks are younger in brighter colors and fun styles.

Dolce and Gabbana noticed that everyone loved their styles. After all, who could ignore the great fashion looks of this high quality line? So they created the DG lines to put their stylish products in the hands of everyone. The average pair of DG Sunglasses comes to $100, which is still a higher price, but comes at much lower cost than Dolce and Gabbana Sunglasses at $250 to $300 a pair on average.

Choose a pair of DG Sunglasses to add a little fashion to your world. They’ll make the young look hip and the old feel young again. All that’s needed is the right pair of DG sunglasses.

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BVLGARI Sunglasses

BVLGARI sunglasses from the luxury perfume, leather goods, watch and jewelry house founded in 1884 and headquartered in Rome, Italy have at least one stunning difference. Sunglasses by any other maker will feature rhinestone accents. Founded by Greek Sotirios Vulgaris their designs have always exhibited a strong ancient Greek and Roman influence.

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BVGARI sunglasses are adorned with Swarovski crystals. Acetate frames make these fit more comfortably than other polymers would. The affect of a beautifully bejeweled face is nothing short of stunning. Additionally, there are differences in the broad range of styles and colors. For instance, those who tend toward spring or summer facial, eye and hair tone will find Cicladi model 8005B ($430) in cream to be very flattering.

Likewise the 8024 ($430) in honey would be splendid and truly is apart from the pack. Metallic gold frames on style 8020B ($475) are among the more unusual colors as are the styles available in caramel. Alissa shield sunglasses($650) bring together the functionality of shields with crystal-encrusted parenthesis logo on Havana (brown tortoise) frames. All would be fabulous choices for those with autumn coloring.

Winter coloration will be complimented by most of the BVLGARI sunglasses colors. The mainstay of these being of course vibrant dark colors. Many styles of shield sunglasses and a few aviators are included among the BVLGARI sunglasses.

BVLGARI sunglasses carry one of three different logo styles. The Cicladi (concentric circles), Cerchi (circular) and Perentesi (parenthesis) logos adorn the acetate frame arms of differing styles. Prices range from around $350 to $650 for most BVLGARI sunglass.

Men are not left out of the BVLGARI sunglasses line. There are several variations of classic men’s frames like shields and aviators to name a few. There is even an unisex style for the couple who likes to coordinate their wardrobe choices. That is logo wraparound sunglasses style 8025 which offers full protection from light entering around the outside of sunglasses.

In 2001 Bvlgari Hotels & Resorts was formed to provide contemporary luxury accommodations around the world. It only stands to reason that the well dressed will want to wear BVLGARI sunglasses and jewelry when visiting these. BVLGARI sunglasses will reflect the century old quality workmanship of their watches when these are held close to see the time or the phase of the moon.

The name Bvlgari has been recognized throughout Europe since the house’s founding but today the name recognition is global. With retail outlets in places as diverse as Australia and Ontario or Ecuador and the United Arab Emirates; there are few places on Earth in which BVLGARI sunglasses won’t be well known.

Nothing short of gemstones would be as decadently luxurious as the BVLGARI sunglasses line. Swarovski crystal embellishments in these frame logos are probably the most expensive look in eyewear today. No well dressed person would deny that these form the perfect accessory to Swarovski leather goods and jewelry. The BVLGARI name has been branding jewelry for so long that many will want BVLGARI sunglasses to compliment inherited estate jewelry!

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Arnette Sunglasses

Arnette sunglasses are made for sports yet they transcend into the realm of fashion. One of the newest lines of sunglasses around, the name “Arnette” on frame arms is now highly desirable. Arnette, created a decade or so ago, is one of the house brands of the larger manufacturer, Luxottica. As such they are widely distributed throughout the world. Luxottica, founded in 1961, is headquartered in Milan, Italy and employs 55,000 people.

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Early sunglasses were developed to treat vision problems. The first effort to use sun glasses in the current form was during the early days of film. Since that time sunglass wearers have become concerned first with fashion and then with vision. Today the sunglass industry has come full circle. High government optical standards now exist. Requirements are set for the prevention of light transmission both from UVB and UVA in America.

Rage. There’s nothing like it. It’s reminiscent of the beat generation. Sunglasses that make the wearer want to Howl. Rage comes in a wide array of frames and lens variations. Bongos and smoky bars characterized the stylish elite wearers during the heyday of this by now classic style. Those long ago coffee houses have been revived in recent years. Today’s Arnette Girl line looks great during an open mike night session of poetry and coffee with friends. Wear tight black leggings and Rage in matte black with grey/green lenses. The memory of Alan Ginsberg reading Howl or Jack Karouac scribbling On The Road will be conjured.

The sports enthusiast may want to wear something a little more enthusiastic like the Rage frame colors “metal dark violetrose faded” and white to name just a few. Beach movies come to mind when wearing Rage. Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello could feel at home wearing these. Their celluloid images are forever lathering gallons of sun tan lotion and doing the twist while waiting for the next big wave.

Polarized or non-polarized lenses with plastic frames are the backbone of Arnette sunglasses. Surfers or inline skaters will be glad that these trendy looks carry price tags that cost mostly around $100. None will be unfashionable in these wildly popular styles.

High roller and mastermind are boxy styles that are anything but square this season. Upswept styles like Arnette #4051 takes us back to the days of beehives and pompadours. The Lock Down and the Lock Up are more like your father’s sunglasses--if he wore aviators that is! Grand Dad’s generation is more closely imitated though in Arnette sunglasses retro styles. Of course most lines are sporting a retro look these days but Arnette sunglasses styles closely resemble the mass marketed eyewear of the late 1950’s and 1960’s.

Going new directions is the two-toned frame style Arnette Myth. For those ready to forge a new fashion trail the dark lavender with brown fade lens or purple fade with gray fade lens takes sunglasses into the future. Going to a sci-fi convention? This is your eyewear. Going on a fishing trip? Don’t be left squinting at the sunrise. Try Arnette sunglasses style The Catfish with polarized polycarbonate lenses for 100% UV protection and non-glare vision in bright light.

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Armani Sunglasses

Georgio Armani is a name that Americans have come to associate with fine men’s suits. There’s more to Armani sunglasses than business though. Anywhere there’s a fashion conscious crew and high energy light Armani sunglasses make the grade.

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For trendy budget sunglasses the Armani Exchange has these less pricey alternatives. Aviators and shields dominate Armani Exchange sunglasses styles for now at least. Rhinestones and swirling cutouts are inching their way into the frame styles though. Both men and women will be comfortable in flip-flops and Armani Exchange sunglasses. Butterfly shields in pale taupe or dark brown put the word casual back into anyone’s summer wardrobe.

Men’s block logo shield with lavender lenses have wider arms to keep more light from entering outside edges. Men may prefer to preserve peripheral vision with the thinner arms of Armani Exchange sunglasses classic aviator style for driving. But a day spent at the beach in a very sunny locale may call for the Mid Logo Shield sunglasses. These have the widest triangular shaped arms that taper to a thinner over ear fitting. They also have heavy, dark plastic frames and are large enough to protect both the eyes and surrounding tissues from the sun’s potential harm.

Most of the men’s Armani Exchange styles are found in a slightly smaller version for women’s faces. Only the round logo and rhinestone logo styles are uniquely feminine. The round logo style comes in cream frames with pallium lenses or black frames with gray lenses. The round metal logo on the sunglasses frame arm says style. The Hollywood styling says fashion. The look says beautiful and the price (under $100 for most) says budget friendly. All-in-all this Armani Exchange sunglasses style is the best sports fashion statement of the year.

When the beach is someone else’s summer location there are more sophisticated Armani styles. Recent college grads can enjoy stepping into the business world with a quick trip to the sunglass counter (or web site) of high end department stores. These retailers offer Giorgio Armani sunglass styles for bigger budgets and power suit requirements.

Giorgio Armani Square Logo ($240), Woven-Temple ($295), Plastic Wrap ($280), and Plastic Frame Logo ($295) represent the low end of the women’s Giorgio Armani sunglasses line. When price is less important than style, women’s Giorgio Armani Logo Temple ($340) and Giorgio Armani Gemstone ($695) sunglasses styles bring the fashion house’s full ability into focus.

Traditional men’s suits will benefit from being accessorized by the classic styling of Giorgio Armani. Metal frames are used on Giorgio Armani Aviator sunglasses ($265) as well as on the Giorgio Armani Double Bridge Aviator sunglasses ($250 - $265). Both protect vision while adding versatility to any man’s wardrobe. Giorgio Armani Tinted Sunglasses ($210) and Giorgio Armani Plastic Polarized Sunglasses ($240) are both conservatively styled men’s lower priced eyewear.

When quality and craftsmanship matter there is no better name in fashion. Giorgio Armani bring a long tradition of reliable tailoring standards to all of their clothing. Giorgio Armani sunglasses effectively compliment that tailoring.

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Ray Ban Sunglasses

Perhaps no other brand is as well known as that of Ray Ban sunglasses. For more than 70 years the look of Ray-Bans has dominated the silver screen and pages of fashion magazines. The standard in dark lenses and heavy plastic frames has long been recognized for its “incognito” image.

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Wasn’t it Lauren Bacall who first wore them in film? Maybe not but everyone remembers at least one old B&W film star who looked great in the quintessential Ray-Ban. Stars are still seen wearing these major brand name sunglasses anywhere that people pretend to avoid the press. Ray-Bans have been making the scene so long that they now produce a retro Original Wayfarer style.

Signed and available in several fashion frame colors, genuine Ray-Bans say summertime in a universal language. Pink, tortoise shell, turquoise, two-toned and a whole range of colors there is just something casual yet designer about these shades. The Luxottica Group sells Ray-Ban Sunglasses to discerning fashion aficionados of all ages. Ray-Ban juniors are sold for those just starting to notice fashion.

Most Ray-Bans are sold by model number while others have both a style name and number. These can be found online at auction sites with fairly high price tags. For instance the RB 3267 and RB 3293 aviators run nearly $100. The RB2940 Wayfarer is a little more expensive. The best idea is to buy that favorite Ray-Ban style when ever and where ever it can be found at a better price point.

Once the Ray-Bans are acquired at whatever price they should be ruthlessly protected since these have the potential to become collectable one day. Carefully stored vintage Wayfarers fetch a handsome price. They no doubt compliment the Hawaiian Shirts with coconut buttons and wooden surf boards. Collectible or investment dressing they are always a favorite possession.

Fortunately there are lots of Ray-Ban styles that are far less expensive. The style and name brand that consumers have loved for generations are available to all budgets. For those who do want to spend more however the Ray-Ban limited edition signed and numbered ultras were invented. Limited edition means that the RB8028K and the RB8029K will be instant collectibles. Investment advisors all agree that buying what you like is the best way to invest. This is great advice to Ray-Ban fans.

Modern apparel may require the latest styles. Ray-Ban sunglasses offer new styles as well as time honored classics. Pastels, lightweight or even clear sunglass frames are available too. No one will inspect the entire Ray-Ban sunglass line without finding something that is flattering. No face is too wide or too narrow. No one is too young or too old. All will find something of interest in the Ray-Ban collection.

There are lots of ways to stretch a budget. The wise consumer is one who can buy something needed then use it for decades and then resale it on the collectors market. No one is wasting money on a proposition like that. Put your vision in the hands of the professionals at Ray-Ban for that endless summer.

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Quik Silver Sunglasses

Quiksilver sunglasses offer a range of sporty shades. It should. Since its founding 38 years ago the Australian based Southern California company has expanded to include 600 active sports shops. The Quik Silver sunglasses and sporting goods lines are decidedly youth-oriented. With surfing and other board sports as the basis of their product line, they’ve really grown.

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As such companies go, Quik Silver is really a youngster. Many design houses are far older. Competing with other sunglasses makers for a market share has worked out rather well for the by now well established international business. Trading on international stock exchanges this business that surfing built is planning to launch a trendy women’s line in 2008. Still youth-oriented but presumably more versatile fashion accessories are to be sold for the twenty-something crowd.

With nearly 8,000 employees the 2 billion dollar plus sales at this rapidly growing concern are increasing at a rate that is suggested by the name. The branding is more recognizable by those who follow the sports and athletes that wear the logo. Currently the sponsored surfers and skate boarders wear the image of a monumental wave curling around a surfer on his board.

Quik Silver sunglasses are sturdy dark plastic frames with fairly dark amber or blue lenses. They are sold side-by-side with active sports wear. Surfers, snow or skate boarders can buy all of their athletic attire in one painless process and then get back to the active life. This is a definite advantage for those with no patience in the shopping ritual.

A typical shopping list for the surfers who are heading out to catch a wave will include wetsuit and the Akka Dakka Quik Silver sunglasses. The Akka Dakka has an upswept outer lens shape that is attractive. An average skate boarder may include a number of different clothing purchases from Quik Silver but will look and see great in a style like the Fluid sunglasses. These are a smaller square frame with thinner arms available in the same amber lenses and brown frame.

Quik Silver sunglass styles like the more refined Preacher with its narrower brown frames will enter the more refined aspects of life when accompanied by the company’s deck shoes and other accessories. The European styling adds just the right touch to the athlete who wants to clean up for dinner at a good restaurant. Priced within the budget of most, the shades are just right for the discerning consumer who still has lots of other things to buy before hitting the beach. Most styles run between $50 and $100 USD.

Styles like the black-framed, gray-lensed Transitions will work well with a business suit if need be for those who still work to support the sports they love. Others who resist the 9 to 5 world can find employment on the internet and will need something like the sportier Track style to shield harmful rays. Which ever life style a consumer enjoys there will always be the hint of the active sports in Quik Silver sunglasses.

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Oakley Sunglasses

While other designer or brand name sunglasses emphasize fashion over optics Oakley sunglasses are different. This company’s name implies both the ability to accentuate physical beauty and the tendency to stretch the limits of optic perfection. A number of well thought out features make Oakley sunglasses stand out from the pack.

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Transitions Optical Inc. joined with the Oakley company to produce a sunglass line with the ability to change lens shades in accordance with light levels. Impact resistance plays a vital role in the staying power of Oakley sunglasses in the marketplace. No one even wants to watch the impact test videos on Oakley sunglasses web site because it’s just too scary. The really frightening part though is the realization of serious injuries which can and frequently do occur when such impact standards are not met.

Oakley sunglasses have taken concern for vision safety to the next level. Perhaps no other branded sunglasses offer the same standards. These meet or exceed ANSI safety standards. Common sense dictates that anyone who regularly engages in active outdoor sports will buy the best eye protection available. It further demands that anyone who is employed in an outdoor work environment will exercise the same caution. Oakley sunglasses are in the zone!

Offering a line of industrial spec sunglasses and goggles there isn’t a reason one to risk side impact or head on eye injuries with Oakley in the work place. Fashionable colors and attractive styling set these apart from nerdy company shades. No more grumbling and reluctance to wear safety goggles when Oakley is the smart supervisor’s choice. These even provide some safety from lasers which are becoming more prevalent in modern work place equipment.

The most exciting sunglass model in the Oakley sunglass line is the Oakley Split THUMP. This incredible sunglass model combines optical excellence with the convenience of a plug-in MP3 player with speakers. Hundreds of favorite tunes can accompany the wearer to the beach or just work without cumbersome and potentially dangerous hardware. Recharge easily with lighter adapter on the drive home for more use during recreational pursuits. Available accessories include storage case with built-in docking station.

Admittedly more expensive than the dollar store sunglasses, the Oakley Split THUMP retails between $249 to $299. Still when compared to designer sunglasses which can carry a price tag of $700 or more these are actually a very practical purchase. Keep in mind here that if impressing people is a concern the Oakley THUMP couldn’t be more capable of the task. Others may try to impress people with nothing more than a designer’s name but the wearer of a pair of Oakley Split THUMP sunglasses can download favorite tunes in their eyewear. Now that’s a trump card.

When other sunglasses were designed for some functionality and a lot of fashion sense Oakley sunglasses left the pack and let function rule. Perhaps the most innovative team of engineers to tackle eyewear since Ben Franklin invented the bifocal, Oakley left the others in the dust.

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Christian Dior Sunglasses

There is no doubt about it--Christian Dior is about Haute Couture. Perhaps no name is as well established. Since 1947 when the Paris fashion house opened Christian Dior has become synonymous with perfectly up to the minute fashions. Sunglasses are a very noticeable part of the overall Dior look. The pale pink Diorlywood with their large shield style lens say it all: fashion rules at Dior. A second pink style is called Baby Shine. Several styles feature violet lenses while the traditional gray and blue tints dominate.

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Earlier versions of tinted lenses were recorded in ancient times. The regular use of sunglasses seems to have had their origins in sunny California though. Silent film stars popularized them. Today few people would go outside for very long during summer without wearing at least clip-ons. Most consumers desire more style. With the introduction of Foster Grant sunglasses in the early 1930’s the notion of designer shades was here to stay.

The United States of America; Europe and Australia all have rating systems in place which help regulate the sunglass industry. These regulations deal with aspects of safety but also help inform consumers. The primary concern is to prevent people from buying lenses that don’t stop enough UV rays. Some deal with impact resistance as well.

Lots of people just don’t worry about the technical aspects of light. They just want a comfortable pair of sunglasses that look great. Christian Dior makes sunglasses with fashion conscious consumers in mind. Any sunglasses are the tunnel at the end of the light. So all else is superlative.

Many classic styles are found in the Dior sunglasses line. They are just styled with the Dior flare. The shield style sunglasses that almost look like laboratory safety wear are prominent in Christian Dior Sunglasses this year. While safety shields may only be found in a clinical setting the Italian made Christian Dior sunglasses are found at many of the top retailers. Most styles’ retail price tags run upwards of $200 but are shy of $700.

Not afraid of glitz, the Christian Dior sunglasses tend toward ornamentation. The rhinestone shield sunglasses for example veer clear of humble shades. Large and in-charge for the most part; Christian Dior sunglasses seem to be made for the flamboyant! The “D” for Dior is prominently displayed on most frames’ arms. Others like the Escrime sunglasses have the entire word written out.

Many styles of the Christian Dior sunglasses collection are available in assorted colors. The very showy Shield sunglasses come in rose gold, dark Ruth (olive) and black. With the elegant swirl design on the frame arms any woman will look her best. With the 100% UV protection her vision will be protected for many fashionable years regardless of how styles may change.

Special clothes deserve special accessories. Let Christian Dior sunglasses bring half-a-century of fashion sense to new or vintage apparel. The stylish and recognizable shades that stood several feet tall in classic movies are no less impressive in real life.

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Fossil Sunglasses

In the “anything but a dinosaur” fashion category are Fossil Sunglasses. Nothing says trendy fashion like Fossil! Budget but not cheap, Fossil sunglasses range from $25 to $74. Nearly anyone can save up for this most important summer fashion accessory when Fossil sunglasses are available.

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Fossil sunglasses are marketed in both men and women’s fashion styles and sold with people names. Trevor, Ben and Elwyn reflect the personality of these fashion shades. Other styles like “Assertive” imply that these shades can walk into the boardroom as easily as onto the beach.

The approach with Fossil is to wardrobe and accessorize whereas other companies concentrate on just sunglasses or athletic wear. Fossil coordinates from footwear to handbags so that every aspect of apparel is easily matched. Fossil sunglasses styles perfectly work with the over all trendy appearance of both casual and business attire.

The overall appearance of a Fossil shopper will always be more put together looking since the sunglasses, watches and handbags are designed to match. Simply take a look at the web site
to get a good look at how Fossil styles work together. Leave nothing to the chance of error by making an entire wardrobe coordinated in one company’s styles.

Fossil sunglasses coordinated with an entire Fossil outfit is budget conscious yet quality dressing. Many of the women’s styles of Fossil sunglasses are large. Not only is the larger sunglass better protection for the eyes it also provides needed protection for surrounding tissue. Most people forget that the area around the eye is a source of pain and tenderness when exposed to excessive environmental factors. Not so with the larger lens and frames styles from Fossil sunglasses.

Keep in mind that light entering the sides of sunglasses contains harmful UV rays that can harm the eyes in the same way that direct light does. Wider sunglass frames will block this light and produce hours more comfort for those exposed to extensively bright light. Wrap around styles that fit close to the face will be of still more benefit in excessive light exposure.

At the risk of looking like the Terminator, eyes need to be kept safe when very bright exposure lasts for extended periods of time. The jury is pretty much in on this one--eye care takes precedence over fashion concerns in high energy light or in the presence of reflective surfaces. Pity the overly fashion conscious who wear inadequate sunglasses to watch a water ballet or other summer event. There’s almost no end to the suffering!

Men might try wrap styles like Hadden ($38) to ease the endurance of summer’s punishing rays. Lorilee ($38) is a women’s style providing a dark lens and wide frame arms to provide similar comfort. For lower light situations the paler lens and frames of Jill ($38) will compliment colorful summer outfits. Men may find that Bennett ($38) will lend style while blocking less light when either a business suit or beach attire are worn.

In any light situation there is a style and lens color for most tastes to be found in the Fossil sunglasses line.

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Celebrities and Their Sunglasses

Celebrities ware different types of sunglasses, replica sunglasses, designer sunglasses, oversized sunglasses according to their whims and fancies. The influence of Celebrities on fashion and style apply to designer sunglasses also. Cine Artists, sports personalities, dancers, politicians have their influence on sunglasses.

The free magazines displayed at grocery stores or medical shops or fancy stores mostly have advertisements with celebrities posing with different designer sunglasses. Nothing has much buying influence on the people other than celebrities. Of course, sunglasses are the latest and hottest fashion accessory, a symbol of status among the people. Celebrities influence the brands of sunglasses through their glamorous advertisements.

Sunglasses are very functional and part of everyday life. Sunglasses allow people to perform multifarious activities during the hot sunlight and protect the eyes acting as shield to the eyes. Sunglasses minimize wrinkling around the eyes and alleviate the need to alleviate the squint in the face of the glaring sun. Sunglasses also protect the eyes from the UV rays of the sun, and avoid long term damage to the eyes.

UV protective film are fixed in most of the sunglasses. Definitely, celebrities choose the sunglasses with the above functions and people believe that celebrities’ sunglasses are very much useful to them. Celebrities have the money to afford to wear very expensive and designer sunglasses and most of the top fashion designer makes these kinds of sunglasses. Fashion designer offer some of these costly pairs of sunglasses to the celebrities they choose and make them to act as their brand ambassador. This is a very good sales promotional activity.

Celebrities always need sunglasses for roaming around in party, public place and of course for style. The need for celebrity sunglasses is for ever and is always alive in most of the shopping malls.

People cannot take their eyesight as granted and realize that eyes are extremely delicate and proper care to be given to the eyes so that there is no proper damage to the eyes. Protecting the eyes from bright sunlight is of paramount importance. Designer celebrity sunglasses are always better than cheaper sunglasses that spoil the eyes. Designer celebrity sunglasses always come out with guarantee and can be serviced easily.

Bright sunlight rays always affect the cornea and retina of the eyes. Hence, it is advisable need not go with bare eyes in bright sunlight. Replica sunglasses definitely are the coolest in beach during the sun bath.

Celebrity sunglasses add elegance to the personality. Celebrity sunglasses come out with polycarbonate moldable frames and lenses. Metal frame sunglasses give rimless look. Designer sunglasses establishments have their salesmen and women placed in shopping malls to answer eye related questions. How their sunglasses are useful to protect their eyes. Most of the clothing manufacturers are also into the celebrity sunglasses business. They offer along with clothing, sunglasses also. These are luxurious as well as with a contemporary edge.

Celebrity sunglasses come out in different shapes and colors like classic black, tortoise. People can graze through thousands of celebrity sunglasses displayed in various shopping malls. Celebrity sunglasses are also useful gift items.

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How Sunglasses Work

If it's a bright, clear day outside, you may instinctively reach for your sunglasses when you head for the door. And you probably do it without much thought about them. But you probably do think about sunglasses when you go to buy a new pair -- whether you walk into the discount store or the Sunglass Hut at the mall, you are immediately struck by the bewildering array of choices before you! For instance, there are differences between tinted, reflective, photochromic and polarizing sunglasses. The style of the frame and size of the lenses also make a difference. Is that $200 pair of Serengeti sunglasses really any better than a $10 pair from the flea market?

In this article, we'll take the mystery out of sunglasses and help you understand what to look for when you buy a pair. We'll analyze the different styles and look at the technology behind the different lens compositions. You will also learn how light works and see why light, in certain situations, can make sunglasses absolutely essential. You will be amazed at how complex and sophisticated a simple pair of dark glasses can be.

Is There Really Any Difference?
A pair of sunglasses seems so simple -- it's two pieces of tinted glass or plastic in some sort of plastic or metal frame. How much more straightforward can something get? It turns out that there are many different things you can do with two pieces of glass, and these things can have a big effect on you when you use the lenses. As you will see in this article, there really is a difference between the various sunglasses you'll find out there.
There are four things that a good pair of sunglasses should do for you:

Sunglasses provide protection from ultraviolet rays in sunlight. Ultraviolet (UV) light damages the cornea and the retina. Good sunglasses can eliminate UV rays completely.

Sunglasses provide protection from intense light. When the eye receives too much light, it naturally closes the iris. Once it has closed the iris as far as it can, the next step is squinting. If there is still too much light, as there can be when sunlight is reflecting off of snow, the result is damage to the retina. Good sunglasses can block light entering the eyes by as much as 97 percent to avoid damage.

Sunglasses provide protection from glare. Certain surfaces, such as water, can reflect a great deal of light, and the bright spots can be distracting or can hide objects. Good sunglasses can completely eliminate this kind of glare using polarization (we'll discuss polarization later).

Sunglasses eliminate specific frequencies of light. Certain frequencies of light can blur vision, and others can enhance contrast. Choosing the right color for your sunglasses lets them work better in specific situations.
When you buy a pair of cheap sunglasses, you often give up all of these benefits and can even make things worse. For example, if your sunglasses offer no UV protection, you increase your exposure to UV rays. The cheap sunglasses block some of the light, causing your iris to open to allow more light in. This lets in more of the UV light as well, increasing the damage UV light can cause to the retina.

So there is a difference. Buying the right pair of good sunglasses for the conditions in which you use them gives you maximum protection and performance.

The sidebar shows some of the top sunglass manufacturers. Manufacturers of other products sell sunglasses, too. From Nike and Timberland to Gucci and Kenneth Cole, many big brands include sunglasses among their product lines. Many sunglass manufacturers make huge claims about the features and special qualities of their products. Prices can range from less than $20 up to several hundred dollars depending on the features and the name.

Then there are the imposters. You go to a discount shop or a flea market and see vendors offering sunglasses that look exactly the same as the high-dollar brand names for a fraction of the cost. Are you really paying that much for a name or are there fundamental differences between the look-alike sunglasses and the brand-name ones?

The biggest problem with cheap sunglasses is in the way the lenses are made. Inexpensive sunglasses have lenses made of ordinary plastic with a thin tinted coating on them. While the tint color and a similar frame design may make them look like Oakley X-Metal Romeos or Ray-Ban Predators, the actual lenses are very different. You will learn exactly how different they are, and how important the differences are, in the following sections.

Keep reading for a complete description of specific technologies like polarization, photochromic lenses, anti-reflective coatings and so on.

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