Saturday, November 29, 2008

Fossil Sunglasses

In the “anything but a dinosaur” fashion category are Fossil Sunglasses. Nothing says trendy fashion like Fossil! Budget but not cheap, Fossil sunglasses range from $25 to $74. Nearly anyone can save up for this most important summer fashion accessory when Fossil sunglasses are available.

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Fossil sunglasses are marketed in both men and women’s fashion styles and sold with people names. Trevor, Ben and Elwyn reflect the personality of these fashion shades. Other styles like “Assertive” imply that these shades can walk into the boardroom as easily as onto the beach.

The approach with Fossil is to wardrobe and accessorize whereas other companies concentrate on just sunglasses or athletic wear. Fossil coordinates from footwear to handbags so that every aspect of apparel is easily matched. Fossil sunglasses styles perfectly work with the over all trendy appearance of both casual and business attire.

The overall appearance of a Fossil shopper will always be more put together looking since the sunglasses, watches and handbags are designed to match. Simply take a look at the web site
to get a good look at how Fossil styles work together. Leave nothing to the chance of error by making an entire wardrobe coordinated in one company’s styles.

Fossil sunglasses coordinated with an entire Fossil outfit is budget conscious yet quality dressing. Many of the women’s styles of Fossil sunglasses are large. Not only is the larger sunglass better protection for the eyes it also provides needed protection for surrounding tissue. Most people forget that the area around the eye is a source of pain and tenderness when exposed to excessive environmental factors. Not so with the larger lens and frames styles from Fossil sunglasses.

Keep in mind that light entering the sides of sunglasses contains harmful UV rays that can harm the eyes in the same way that direct light does. Wider sunglass frames will block this light and produce hours more comfort for those exposed to extensively bright light. Wrap around styles that fit close to the face will be of still more benefit in excessive light exposure.

At the risk of looking like the Terminator, eyes need to be kept safe when very bright exposure lasts for extended periods of time. The jury is pretty much in on this one--eye care takes precedence over fashion concerns in high energy light or in the presence of reflective surfaces. Pity the overly fashion conscious who wear inadequate sunglasses to watch a water ballet or other summer event. There’s almost no end to the suffering!

Men might try wrap styles like Hadden ($38) to ease the endurance of summer’s punishing rays. Lorilee ($38) is a women’s style providing a dark lens and wide frame arms to provide similar comfort. For lower light situations the paler lens and frames of Jill ($38) will compliment colorful summer outfits. Men may find that Bennett ($38) will lend style while blocking less light when either a business suit or beach attire are worn.

In any light situation there is a style and lens color for most tastes to be found in the Fossil sunglasses line.

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Celebrities and Their Sunglasses

Celebrities ware different types of sunglasses, replica sunglasses, designer sunglasses, oversized sunglasses according to their whims and fancies. The influence of Celebrities on fashion and style apply to designer sunglasses also. Cine Artists, sports personalities, dancers, politicians have their influence on sunglasses.

The free magazines displayed at grocery stores or medical shops or fancy stores mostly have advertisements with celebrities posing with different designer sunglasses. Nothing has much buying influence on the people other than celebrities. Of course, sunglasses are the latest and hottest fashion accessory, a symbol of status among the people. Celebrities influence the brands of sunglasses through their glamorous advertisements.

Sunglasses are very functional and part of everyday life. Sunglasses allow people to perform multifarious activities during the hot sunlight and protect the eyes acting as shield to the eyes. Sunglasses minimize wrinkling around the eyes and alleviate the need to alleviate the squint in the face of the glaring sun. Sunglasses also protect the eyes from the UV rays of the sun, and avoid long term damage to the eyes.

UV protective film are fixed in most of the sunglasses. Definitely, celebrities choose the sunglasses with the above functions and people believe that celebrities’ sunglasses are very much useful to them. Celebrities have the money to afford to wear very expensive and designer sunglasses and most of the top fashion designer makes these kinds of sunglasses. Fashion designer offer some of these costly pairs of sunglasses to the celebrities they choose and make them to act as their brand ambassador. This is a very good sales promotional activity.

Celebrities always need sunglasses for roaming around in party, public place and of course for style. The need for celebrity sunglasses is for ever and is always alive in most of the shopping malls.

People cannot take their eyesight as granted and realize that eyes are extremely delicate and proper care to be given to the eyes so that there is no proper damage to the eyes. Protecting the eyes from bright sunlight is of paramount importance. Designer celebrity sunglasses are always better than cheaper sunglasses that spoil the eyes. Designer celebrity sunglasses always come out with guarantee and can be serviced easily.

Bright sunlight rays always affect the cornea and retina of the eyes. Hence, it is advisable need not go with bare eyes in bright sunlight. Replica sunglasses definitely are the coolest in beach during the sun bath.

Celebrity sunglasses add elegance to the personality. Celebrity sunglasses come out with polycarbonate moldable frames and lenses. Metal frame sunglasses give rimless look. Designer sunglasses establishments have their salesmen and women placed in shopping malls to answer eye related questions. How their sunglasses are useful to protect their eyes. Most of the clothing manufacturers are also into the celebrity sunglasses business. They offer along with clothing, sunglasses also. These are luxurious as well as with a contemporary edge.

Celebrity sunglasses come out in different shapes and colors like classic black, tortoise. People can graze through thousands of celebrity sunglasses displayed in various shopping malls. Celebrity sunglasses are also useful gift items.

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How Sunglasses Work

If it's a bright, clear day outside, you may instinctively reach for your sunglasses when you head for the door. And you probably do it without much thought about them. But you probably do think about sunglasses when you go to buy a new pair -- whether you walk into the discount store or the Sunglass Hut at the mall, you are immediately struck by the bewildering array of choices before you! For instance, there are differences between tinted, reflective, photochromic and polarizing sunglasses. The style of the frame and size of the lenses also make a difference. Is that $200 pair of Serengeti sunglasses really any better than a $10 pair from the flea market?

In this article, we'll take the mystery out of sunglasses and help you understand what to look for when you buy a pair. We'll analyze the different styles and look at the technology behind the different lens compositions. You will also learn how light works and see why light, in certain situations, can make sunglasses absolutely essential. You will be amazed at how complex and sophisticated a simple pair of dark glasses can be.

Is There Really Any Difference?
A pair of sunglasses seems so simple -- it's two pieces of tinted glass or plastic in some sort of plastic or metal frame. How much more straightforward can something get? It turns out that there are many different things you can do with two pieces of glass, and these things can have a big effect on you when you use the lenses. As you will see in this article, there really is a difference between the various sunglasses you'll find out there.
There are four things that a good pair of sunglasses should do for you:

Sunglasses provide protection from ultraviolet rays in sunlight. Ultraviolet (UV) light damages the cornea and the retina. Good sunglasses can eliminate UV rays completely.

Sunglasses provide protection from intense light. When the eye receives too much light, it naturally closes the iris. Once it has closed the iris as far as it can, the next step is squinting. If there is still too much light, as there can be when sunlight is reflecting off of snow, the result is damage to the retina. Good sunglasses can block light entering the eyes by as much as 97 percent to avoid damage.

Sunglasses provide protection from glare. Certain surfaces, such as water, can reflect a great deal of light, and the bright spots can be distracting or can hide objects. Good sunglasses can completely eliminate this kind of glare using polarization (we'll discuss polarization later).

Sunglasses eliminate specific frequencies of light. Certain frequencies of light can blur vision, and others can enhance contrast. Choosing the right color for your sunglasses lets them work better in specific situations.
When you buy a pair of cheap sunglasses, you often give up all of these benefits and can even make things worse. For example, if your sunglasses offer no UV protection, you increase your exposure to UV rays. The cheap sunglasses block some of the light, causing your iris to open to allow more light in. This lets in more of the UV light as well, increasing the damage UV light can cause to the retina.

So there is a difference. Buying the right pair of good sunglasses for the conditions in which you use them gives you maximum protection and performance.

The sidebar shows some of the top sunglass manufacturers. Manufacturers of other products sell sunglasses, too. From Nike and Timberland to Gucci and Kenneth Cole, many big brands include sunglasses among their product lines. Many sunglass manufacturers make huge claims about the features and special qualities of their products. Prices can range from less than $20 up to several hundred dollars depending on the features and the name.

Then there are the imposters. You go to a discount shop or a flea market and see vendors offering sunglasses that look exactly the same as the high-dollar brand names for a fraction of the cost. Are you really paying that much for a name or are there fundamental differences between the look-alike sunglasses and the brand-name ones?

The biggest problem with cheap sunglasses is in the way the lenses are made. Inexpensive sunglasses have lenses made of ordinary plastic with a thin tinted coating on them. While the tint color and a similar frame design may make them look like Oakley X-Metal Romeos or Ray-Ban Predators, the actual lenses are very different. You will learn exactly how different they are, and how important the differences are, in the following sections.

Keep reading for a complete description of specific technologies like polarization, photochromic lenses, anti-reflective coatings and so on.

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunglasses are "Hot!"

When it comes to fashion, sunglasses are "hot!" What can be hotter than George Clooney as Danny Ocean wearing designer sunglasses in the Oceans movies? Paris Hilton or the Olsen twins can be seen, just about anywhere in Hollywood, day or night, wearing the latest in designer sunglasses. When they walk the red carpet and they are asked, "What are you wearing?" they might lower their sunglasses down on their noses and peer over the rims and drop designer names like Vera Wang, Dior, Valentino, Gucci and Armani.

As an attention-getting accessory or fashion statement, designer or custom sunglasses are nothing new. Trendsetters like Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, and Elton John sported designer and custom sunglasses as part of their "look" or star status. Some have worn sunglasses to hide behind, cover their drug-affected eyes, or make a statement. Pictures of Elvis Presley reveal that he had sunglasses custom-made for him with his initials or the letters TCB (Taking Care of Business) built right into the nose bridge.

Stars like Sophia Loren, Donald Trump, and Britney Spears have their own name brand sunglasses on the market while others may be wearing Marc Jacobs or Armani sunglasses for a classy look or Baby Phat for punk style. The mood for the day might be for the blast-to-the-past 1950's look of Fossil sunglasses.

The same clothing designer may also be the designer of the sunglasses that you choose to accessorize your brand-name clothing. For instance, the smart Tommy dresser can add to the look of a Tommy Hilfiger clothing ensemble with Tommy Hilfiger sunglasses. For casual wear, Kate Spade sunglasses might do nicely. Carrera is known for a sporty look. For a sensual mood, Valentino frames that have smooth round edges and Swarovsky crystals might just put you (or whoever is looking at you) in the mood.

Designer sunglasses, if you can afford them, are a status symbol showing everyone that you have the cash (or credit card) to buy them. However, in order to be fashionable in sunglasses, you do not have to give up quality. Sunglasses, not being just fashionable accessories, are used to protect your eyes from damage caused by the sun's UV (ultra-violet) rays. Designer prescription sunglasses can improve vision, and reduce eyestrain, just like ordinary glasses.

Name-brand and designer sunglasses can be polarized to reduce the glare of the sunlight reflecting off surfaces like the highway, cars, water or snow. Polarized sunglasses work by blocking off the horizontal light reflections and only let in vertical light reflections. The polarization of designer sunglasses makes them fashionable in other areas of lifestyle like golfing, boating, biking, swimming, fishing and aircraft flying.

Marketers of designer sunglasses aim toward children who enjoy the same hot styles and brand-names as their parents and their idols. Children's designer sunglasses can also be polarized. Sunglasses should be part of children's daily wear as they play outside and engage in outdoor sports and activities. Sunglasses can prevent them from the long-term affects of sun damage to their eyes.

Sunglasses in any shade, shape or size, by any name may be a "hot" fashion item for trend-setting stars, men, women and children, but the importance of protecting the eyes from damage far outweighs the importance of looking cool.

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Historical Overview of Sunglasses

Sunglasses can be found around every corner you turn today. You can find them in grocery stores for a few dollars or in specialty stores for a few hundred dollars. Sunglasses come in so many different shapes, designs and colors that there is a pair out there for everyone. But the market for sunglasses has not always been this way.

Sunglasses have been in use for centuries and have evolved over time into what they are today. They were not always the fashion icon they are today. Similarly, they were not always used for the same reason they are today either.

Surprisingly, the first form of what we have as sunglasses today were not originally developed to shield eyes from the sun or help poor vision. In Ancient China, sunglasses were developed out of smoky panes of quartz glass. Judges wore these prehistoric ray bans as a way of keeping their expressions to themselves. Little did they know that poker players centuries later would adopt this same principle use of the eyewear.

Ancient Rome can also take part of the credit for today's sunglasses. The Emporer Nero, while watching gladiator fights enjoyed doing so through polished gems. It is possible that the Emporer saw the benefits of distorting the sun's beams as a way of seeing more clearly. It is also possible that he enjoyed these early sunglasses because he thought the gladiators looked better in different colors. For whatever reason, sunglasses still today are available in any lens color you can imagine.

During the eighteenth century, the design of the sunglasses were altered by an inventor seeking to use color as a vision correctioin.
He was convinced that blue and green tints helped the eye see better when vision was poor.
He had no reason to consider the advantages of shielding the eyes from the sun, as no one knew what a UVA ray was at the time.
It was not common knowledge during this time that the sun could be harmful and cause future vision problems.

Sunglasses were finally introduced in the United States in the early twentieth century, around 1930. These innovative eye pieces were marketed on the boardwalks of Atlantic City and promised to protect the wearer's eyes from the harmful sun. It was in this same decade that polarization of the lenses was developed as well. The inventor of the famed Polaroid camera integrated his Polaroid filter into the makeup of the sunglasses' lenses. This technology, which is still used today, was the greatest step of its time toward the protection of the eyes from the sun.

Since the 1930's, sunglasses have steadily become a favorite accessory for everyone from the true fashion icon down to the style novice. Sunglasses have been implemented as a way of showing off one's style, sophistication, and social status. Individuals have made their own styles famous and timeless.

The most famous of all the sunglasses style icons is unarguably the late Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, or simply "Jackie O.". The oversized sunglasses of the same name were a token symbol of the former First Lady and American Icon. Around the year 2000, Jackie's signature style was made popular again for young women by another style icon, Nicole Richie.

Sunglasses have come a long way over the centuries. They have evolved in uses, styles, popularity and technology. With sunglasses what they are today and their importance in popular culture, it is difficult to imagine where and in what form they will turn up next. Keep your eyes open-and your sunglasses handy-to find out!

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Designer Sunglasses and the Celebrity Influence

Celebrities. What is it about this breed of people that keeps us forever scrutinising their every waking moments (and sleeping ones to, sometimes!!)? Why the need to keep up to date with what they're eating or what they are wearing? Why do we care where they go when they leave their homes?

We care because we have an insatiable need. An insatiable need to know what they are eating because tomorrow that's what the neighbour will be eating, an insatiable need to know what they are wearing because tomorrow that person in work will be wearing the same thing.

We have this insatiable need because the world of celebrities dictates modern trends and we do not want to be left behind when it comes to the new trendy food fad, outfit or those new designer sunglasses they seem to be wearing. And it seems that designer sunglasses are by far the hottest fashion accessory associated with celebrities. The bigger the celebrity, the larger the clamour to own a pair of these 'wonderful' objects; and let us not forget- the bigger the celebrity wearing a particular brand of designer sunglasses, the happier that particular sunglass manufacturer is!

Now, it’s obvious that sunglasses play an important part in our everyday lives and routines. Their main function is to protect our eyes from the glare of the sun, in doing so providing vital protection from harmful ultra violet rays which can cause serious damage to our eyes. On a much lower level, sunglasses minimise the effects of squinting which can cause the laughter-line effect seen around the eyes.

There's no doubting that celebrities use sunglasses for these vital functions as well, but more often than not they choose their sunglasses as much for fashionable purposes as well as practical purposes. And don't the major brands know it! All major fashion designers who are worth their salt produce a range of designer sunglasses but these are normally out of the price range of Joe Soap. There is no denying that these sunglasses are exquisite pieces, elegantly crafted with the….celebrity in mind. These sunglass manufacturers fall over themselves to offer their wares to the top celebs on a complimentary basis, knowing full well that they will have a free, walking advertising board and the eyes of the world on them. And what people see is what people want and they will go looking for them in the shops.

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Understanding Light - Sunglasses

Good sunglasses are extremely effective "light conditioners." They modify incoming light to match it to your eyes. In the next section we will discuss all of the different technologies used by sunglass manufacturers to modify light. In order to understand those technologies it is important to understand something about light.

A light wave consists of electromagnetic energy. The size of a wave is measured by its wavelength. The wavelengths of the light we can see range from 400 to 700 billionths of a meter (nanometers). The amount of energy in a light wave is proportionally related to its wavelength: shorter wavelengths have higher energy. Of visible light, violet has the most energy and red the least. Just above the visible light spectrum is ultraviolet (UV) light, and it turns out that natural sunlight is rich in UV light. Because of its high energy, UV light can damage both your cornea and your retina.

What is Glare?
The brightness or intensity of light is measured in lumens. For example, when you are indoors, most artificial light is around 400 to 600 lumens. If you go outside on a sunny day, the brightness ranges from about 1,000 lumens in the shade to more than 6,000 lumens on a large stretch of concrete, like a highway. Our eyes are comfortable until we get to around 3,500 lumens. When the brightness of the direct or reflected light gets to about 4,000 lumens, our eyes begin to have difficulty absorbing the light. What we see when we try to look at these brighter areas are flashes of white -- this is glare. To reduce the discomfort caused by the amount of light entering our eyes, we squint. Once you get to around 10,000 lumens, your eyes are so bombarded that they begin to completely block out the light. Prolonged exposure to light of such intensity can cause damage resulting in temporary or even permanent blindness. That's why unprotected viewing of a large snowfield, which on a bright day can reflect light at more than 12,000 lumens, can result in being "snowblind."

Visible light is light that can be perceived by the human eye. When you look at the visible light of the sun, it appears to be colorless, which we call white. It is made up of many color frequencies. The combination of every color in the visible spectrum produces a light that is colorless, or white (see How Light Works for details).

There are two basic ways by which we can see colors. Either an object can directly emit light waves in the frequency of the observed color (a neon light does this), or an object can absorb all other frequencies, reflecting back to your eye only the light wave, or combination of light waves, that appears as the observed color (any painted object does this). For example, to see a yellow object, either the object is directly emitting light waves in the yellow frequency, or it is absorbing the blue part of the spectrum and reflecting the red and green parts back to your eye, which perceives the combined frequencies as yellow.

When we talk about light in reference to sunglasses, three types of light are important.

Direct light - Direct light is light that goes straight from the light source (like the sun) to your eyes. Too much direct light can wash out the details of your surroundings and make it almost painful to try to focus your vision on anything.

Reflected light - Reflected light, usually in the form of glare (see explanation above), is light that has bounced off a reflective object to enter your eyes. Just like direct light, strong reflected light can make it difficult to perceive the details or directly view an object. Snow, water, glass and white sand are all good reflectors.

Ambient light - Ambient light is light that has bounced and scattered in many directions so that it is does not seem to have a specific source. A good example of ambient light is the glow in the sky around a major city. It would be very hard to identify a single source of light for that glow. Ambient light is how you are able to see when there is no direct source of light.
Good sunglasses can eliminate the ultraviolet part of the spectrum, cut down on direct light to the point where it is comfortable and eliminate or decrease reflected light (depending on the reflecting surface).
One interesting property of light is polarization. When reflected off of certain surfaces -- such as water -- light gets polarized. Polarized sunglasses can eliminate reflected light off of water and similar surfaces because of its polarization. See the section on sunglass technologies for details.

See How Light Works to learn more about the properties of light. See What makes glass transparent? for details on transparency.

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